Wednesday, July 8, 2020

10 Natural Ways to Get Sleep

by Dr. Panchajanya 'Panch' Paul , MD
Many of us struggle with sleep. The problems can be many. Some struggle to fall asleep at night, some to maintain sleep throughout the night, and some from too early waking. Whatever the nature of the problem, sleep deprivation weakens the mind and body, and makes us vulnerable to various mental and physical diseases. Here is a list of ten ways to get good sleep every night.

1. Schedule Sleep: Maintain a consistent bed-time routine. Go to bed at the same time every night. Try to keep it the same on weekends in order to keep body's clock tuned.

2. Exercise daily: Try to get some exercise during the day; as little as 20 minutes can help. Aerobics, lifting weights, power yoga, walking- any form of physical exertion will help. However, avoid heavy exercise 2 hours before sleep as the increased arousal from exercise might make sleep difficult.

3. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine before bedtime. Alcohol helps to sleep in short term but robs the brain of deep restorative sleep in long term. Caffeine is present in tea, coffee, and soda. Nicotine is present in cigarettes. Both caffeine and nicotine are brain stimulants, which makes one more alert and awake, while making it difficult to fall asleep.

4. Relax before Sleep: Do something relaxing before bedtime like taking a warm bath, reading, or listening to music. Mindfulness exercises can also help.

5. Light Exposure during day. Try to get exposure to sunlight or any full spectrum bright light in the morning. Exposure to light during the day and darkness before bed, will entrain your circadian rhythm to the daily light-dark cycle. This will help you stay alert and active during day, while being tired and sleepy at night.

6. Don't eat before going to bed. Have your dinner at least two hours before sleep time. Avoid food just before bedtime, and never have your food on bed. A heavy meal before bedtime is difficult to digest and will also impair sleep. Also avoid too spicy or sugary food before bed. Food rich in tryptophan like nuts, cheese, oats, beans, lentils, eggs, fish, chicken, turkey can boost sleep.

7. Don't check emails or work on your laptop just before bed. The mind needs to relax and any activation will impair sleep. Avoid TV, Computer, or bright light before sleep as they inhibit the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

8. Keep your bedroom quiet, cold, and dark at night. Adjust your thermostat to a lower temperature between 60 to 67 degrees. Use thick curtains to block light and white noise to block sound.

9. The bed should be used for sleep, sex, and some light-reading. Avoiding other activates at bed will help the body associate the bed with sleep.

10. Write your worries before sleep. Many people bring their worries to bed and can't stop thinking about them. Keep a journal at bedside to write down troubling thoughts before going to bed. This will stop the repeated cycle of worrying and enable sleep.

Sleep is vital to life. Seek professional help if you struggle with sleep chronically and experience daytime fatigue. Many of the sleep problems can be resolved with the help of medications and therapy like Cognitive behavioral therapy for Insomnia. In the end, don't neglect any sleep problems, and make every effort to get good sleep for your health and wellbeing.

Here is the Link to the You tube video

I have also written a book on Sleep available online where I discuss all the natural ways to falls asleep using body's healing mechanisms and the with use of supplements.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Corona Virus Quarantine: 10 Ways Parents Can Help Children Home!

I am a child psychiatrist, and I work in a hospital and also see patients in my private clinic. During this quarantine period, I have seen many children teenagers whose anxiety, depression, and stress have become worse. Those who already have a psychiatric condition are struggling even more. Today I am going to discuss ten things that parents can do at this time to help their children:

1.    Communicate: Children and teens may feel more isolated during this time. Make sure that you communicate with your children at their level. Encourage them to share their feelings. Listen to them; do not judge. Unless they tell you, you cannot help them.

2.    Assure: Children are young, and for many, this may be the first crisis they have seen. But as adults, we know that crises and challenges are part of life. Humanity has survived wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, fires, and many disasters. Every month there is a crisis somewhere in the world. The Corona Virus is exceptional as the whole world is in a crisis mode at the same time. Assure your child that this temporary. Everything will be fine soon. It is just a matter of time before the viral spread slows down as the population gains herd immunity, or we discover a medicinal cure, or we get a vaccine to prevent the disease. 

3.    Structure: Children thrive on routine and regularity. Since schools are closed, the daily routine and the rhythm of life is disrupted. You can set a schedule for your child. Try to keep the schedule as close to normal as possible. Write on a paper suggested time for eating, studying, playing, exercise, and sleep. Be a role model for them. You follow a disciplined life and stick to a routine. You can influence them more by what you do than what you say.

4.    Ask: if you feel your child is getting more depressed, ignoring food, sleep, not talking anxious panic. If you notice any self-destructive behavior like cutting, it very seriously. Do not feel shy about taboo topics. If you think your child is depressed and stressed out- ask if they are feeling suicidal. It is essential as every year, thousands of children commit suicide, which could have been prevented with timely intervention.  

5.    Healthy Diet- The best way to prevent disease is to follow a healthy lifestyle, which includes nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Have a balanced diet with protein, fats, carbohydrates, and plenty of vegetables and fruits for all essential nutrients. Limit sugar and other processed food as they reduce the body's immunity and make behavioral problems worse.

6.    Exercise & Outdoor time: Encourage children to do exercise at home. Try to make it fun and enjoyable, and even better, the entire family can do together. Also, make sure to have some outdoor time. Staying all day indoors is difficult for children, it is bad for their eyes, and increases stress levels. If you have a patio, balcony, terrace, backyard- make sure to spend enough time there as natural light, and fresh air is an excellent stress buster and boosts immunity.

7.    Regular Sleep Time: Many teenagers, if given a choice, prefer to stay awake till the middle of the night or early morning,  and get up late in the morning. During regular school hours, they have to get up early to catch the school bus. But now, as they do online school, the sleep cycle can quickly get out of hand. I have seen teens staying awake all night and sleeping during the day. Irregular sleep hours result in both poor quality and quantity of sleep. Sleeping at regular hours is even more critical at this time. Sleep boosts the natural killer cells in the body, which helps to fight the virus. Make sure that children go to bed at regular hours. All psychiatric problems like depression, mania, and psychosis get worse due to lack of sleep.

8.    Limit Social media – Make sure children do not spend too much time on social media. There is a lot of negative news in the media. On top of that, there are many predators out there, and children have to be protected from them. I have seen many teenage girls getting into a relationship with adults online, and send them compromising pictures, and get into other troubles.

9.    Avoid Isolation: Since all are staying at home, use this time to do family activates. Make sure to spend some time during the day when the entire family does things together, like doing a joint project. Even mundane house activities like cooking, cleaning, gardening can become excellent family bonding activity if done together.

10.Seek Help: If you feel any concern about the safety of your child, do not wait, seek help. You can contact your family doctor, therapist, or a psychiatrist, or call 911 immediately. Most hospitals have a crisis hotline, and you can call them for a free assessment. Remember, you know your child more than anyone else, and you are their best caregiver, protector, and advocate.

Watch Full Video Here : 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: 8 Best Food to Fight Infections

Many of my patients are asking what they should in this time to protect themselves against the virus. Today, I am going to talk about all the food that will boost our immunity and help protect against the coronavirus. Out of 100 people getting exposed to coronavirus, 75 people will not have any problems. Food is our best way to build immunity against the viral infection, bacterial infection, and protect against all other pathogens. Today, I am going to talk about eight kinds of food that will boost our immunity. As a doctor going to work every day, coming in contact with a lot of patients, staff, and multiple people, I am trying to incorporate them into my diet regularly. Fortunately, for the last four months, I have been able to remain healthy and serve all my patients. So, without further ado, let’s start-

1. Vitamin C: The most important food at this time is vitamin C. Linus Pauling, a two times Nobel laureate postulated that a high dose of vitamin C could protect against the common cold and other infections.  Vitamin C is present in all raw natural whole foods. Cooking destroys vitamin C.  Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, berries, limes are rich in vitamin C. At this time, it may also be an excellent option to take vitamin supplements for extra precaution.

2. Probiotics: Our body harbors billions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which exists in a symbiotic relationship with the human genes. As there are bacteria and viruses outside, a higher number of germs and bacteria live inside our bodies. These so-called good bacteria live inside us as long as we are alive and help in various body processes. Good sources of probiotics are yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, kombucha, and any fermented food. You can also take over the counter probiotics to replenish your gut bacteria, especially if you have recently taken a course of antibiotics. Besides, consuming food rich in fiber will also boost gut bacteria. Good sources of dietary fiber are apples, broccoli, carrots, beans, pulses, plantains, and sprouts.

3. Soups and Stocks: During this time, try to consume more vegetable soup, chicken soup, broth, and stocks. The broth is a valuable drink at this time. When we simmer the bones for a long time and prepare a stew, many nutrients otherwise not available in the regular diet becomes accessible. The hyaluronic acid and collagen present in the broth help fight against the germs. Soups containing vegetables are powerhouses of vitamins and minerals. For vegetarians, a healthy alternative is a curry made with turmeric, ginger, garlic, onion, yogurt, and other herbs.

4. Cod Liver Oil: It is rich in vitamin A, D, E, K, and Omega 3 fatty acids. These boost immunity and help the body fight infections. Cod liver oil has been consumed for thousands of years in many cultures. Other alternatives are krill oil, skate liver oil, and salmon oil. As there is a concern of mercury in the fish oil, make sure to try reputable brands. I use fermented cod liver oil from the green pastures company.

5. Saturated Fat: Increase your consumption of fat at this time.  Taking food rich in saturated fat will boost up the levels of fat-soluble vitamins and help your body fight infections. Make sure to take good quality fat, which are avocados, palm oil, organic grass-fed meat, egg, and dairy.

6. Honey & Bee Pollen: Honey is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which help in immunity. Local raw honey is especially crucial as it can boost protection against the local germs in your area. Try to have one teaspoon of honey every day, either in tea or warm water. Honey has been used since biblical times as a healing remedy. The world health organization, as well as the British and Canadian health bodies, have recommended the use of honey to treat cold and cough for young children.

7. Onion & Garlic: Onion and garlic belong to the family Allium. Many traditional medicines employ garlic and onion to kill germs. They generate heat in the body, which is used to kill germs. They boost immunity against germs and toxins, and also lower blood pressure, and blood cholesterol.

8. Vegetables: Vegetables and plant-based products are an excellent source of antioxidants. They contain phytochemicals that help the body fight against infection and carcinogens. Try to have as many vegetables as you can in your diet. Try to choose vegetables from different colors. Green vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, and red vegetables like beet, carrot, and tomatoes are excellent sources of phytochemicals they are rich in vitamin B and vitamin C also. Try not to overcook the vegetables as many nutrients are destroyed during the cooking process.

In summary, following a healthy lifestyle has become even more critical in the coronavirus epidemic. Try to have a diet rich in proteins, fats, and vegetables. Try to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates, sugar, gluten, and other processed foods. Stay positive. Follow all the necessary precautions. Remember, there is no escape from the threat of the virus at this time. Remember, a healthy diet will boost immunity, which will not only fight against the coronavirus, but also protect against many other new threats we may not know, but which may come in the future.

Watch Full Video Here 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic: 10 Ways to Stay Creative & Productive at Home!

The Coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world. Many of us are staying inside our house to stop the spread of the virus. Some are working from home, and some are out of work. I am getting a lot of phone calls from my patients who are complaining about increasing stress, anxiety, and isolation during this period. Besides, many are fearful, panicking, and unable to sleep at night. Staying inside for multiple days is very stressful and can a toll on anybody.
Today, I am going to discuss ten things we all can do while inside to stay positive and productive during this crisis. These are everyday things which most of us already know. But during a crisis, these are worth remembering and repeating. I have been practicing them to keep my sanity and have been recommending them to my patients who have found it beneficial. So, lets star:

1.   Structure & Routine:  It is imperative to stay busy during this lock-down. An empty mind is a devil's workshop. For those not used to work from home, this can be a significant challenge. The goal is to keep a structure. During normalcy, the world follows a routine. All work has a start and ends time. All businesses, offices, schools have an opening and close time.  As you stay home, you have to give yourself, and if your small children them a structure. Set up a goal. Make a checklist, all the things to be done for the day, stick it up the wall and follow it.

2.   Exercise: When we stay indoors, we have to move less, and we get less exercise. These cause sleep problems at night as our body is not tired enough, and over time we feel low. Staying indoors is no excuse for not getting work out. Many simple things you can do indoors. Pushups, jumping jacks, stretching climbing stars repeatedly. You can work out your entire body with any weight that you have, or even using your body weight. Check out your tube for the home workout videos. The challenge is when we go to the gym, we get uninterrupted free time without distraction, in-home, we have family, children, chores- in that case, spread your workout through the day, and do small chunks at a time. As long as you get a decent workout within the day – it is okay.

3.   Avoid social isolation- Many Americans already feel lonely and isolated, which is a big reason for the increasing mental illness. The coronavirus epidemic has exacerbated social isolation to an even extreme level. Make a priority to stay in touch with your friends and family through phone and video chat. Since most are locked inside, this is a perfect opportunity to touch base with distant family members and long-lost friends. Also, since all the family is in the home now, this an ideal time to strengthen the family bonds between husband-wife, boyfriend-girlfriend- father-son, mother-daughter by doing shared activities.

4.   Be Outside Safely: Being inside does not mean that you are in prison. Make sure to keep the windows open to let some fresh air inside. If you have a balcony, terrace, patio, backyard- make full use of it, and get as much free time as possible without incurring risk. You can also walk near around the house or in a trail as long as you maintain the six feet safety distance, use a protective face mask, and wash your hands before and after.

5.   Stay Positive: During the time of panic and crisis, it is essential to stay positive. Do not criticize, and do not complain. Corona-crisis posed a new challenge, which no one could foresee, nor prepare. Avoid watching the news more than once a day as hearing all about the sufferings, and death,  around the world repeatedly is demoralizing and traumatizing. I see many are continually posting all the scary CoronaVirus updates on the Facebook and whatsapp groups. Remain hopeful. Whenever you say or something negative, try to balance it with something positive. 

6.   Use social media - Generally, I have mixed feelings about social media. But this is an exceptional time. Many are uploading pictures of exercise, cooking, gardening, and other things they are doing from home during this time. It can be inspiring and uplifting. Also, social media can help to stay in touch with others. You can do positive things and upload them, and the positive feedback that you get will inspire you to do more. However, make sure to use it in moderation and not at the expense of other essential things.

7.   Reading: Do you have a wish list of books they have always wanted to read, but never got the time. Leisure time at home is the perfect time to renew the practice of reading. If you find reading a book taxing, audio-books are good options. Audiobooks are easy on the eyes, and you can listen to them, as do household chores. Reading is an excellent mental exercise as it creates new images in mind. Reading keeps your mind active,  youthful and protects against age-related memory loss. 

8.   New hobby – Many of us always wanted to pursue a hobby and start a new project. But we never could find time for that. There are still some more urgent and pressing issues like work, travel, family, relationships. Now with more free time at hand, there is an excellent time to do what you have been putting off so long. I started my social media platform, including youtube, Instagram, and Facebook page during this time. You can take online classes, watch videos to learn more about your interests.  Good sources are masterclass and great courses.

9.   Try Cooking: Most restaurants are closed now. We have to take care of our meals. Stay away from the precooked processed food filled with sugar, salt, and chemical preservatives. As we are inside the home all day,  this is a perfect time to hone our cooking skills. Whatever you want to cook, easy you-tube tutorials are available for free. Once you learn how to cook, you can make tasty food using all the healthy ingredients. Cooking is a life skill that will serve you more for your health than any other skill.

10.                 Mindfulness: As we stay at home, this is a great time to learn and practice mindfulness, which is a life-enhancing skill. Mindfulness improves our focus and attention and makes us more open-minded and less judgmental. Mindfulness is an excellent way to cope with the anxiety, stress, and restlessness that many are feeling inside. Many organizations are providing free online mindfulness classes. I will give some links to free mindfulness classes during this time.

In summary, realize that this is a historical moment when the entire world is fighting a common cause. Observe and learn how things unfold. I recently read an excellent column by psychiatrist Dr. Shawn Sidhu who said that social distancing does not mean social isolation, nor it means self-imprisonment. Also, realize the value of human interaction. Practice mindfulness and use this moment to connect to something deeper within yourself. Stay inside, stay active, and stay positive. Make the best use of this time and opportunity, which may never come again in our lifetime.

Watch Full Video here :  


20 Myths Related to Weight Loss

Model: Sagnika Mukherjee, Pic by Venkat Kuttua

Around half of the US population over the age of 20 are overweight or obese. Obesity is a severe condition which comes with multiple diseases and early death. Weight loss is a big priority, but most people fail to lose weight despite trying their best. Many times, the failure to lose weight is not about a lack of will power, but a lack of right information. Obesity research has progressed by leaps and bounds, but still, many myths related to weight loss persist, not only among laypersons but also among health professionals. Unfortunately, outdated ideas are yet purported by some experts and published in media, which not only hinders weight loss but may lead to weight gain. In this article, I will explain and address twenty common misinformation related to weight loss.

1.     Does eating fat makes you fat?
This is the most common and harmful myth. The body stores fat when insulin levels are high. Carbohydrates cause maximum insulin release, followed by protein. Dietary fat and fiber lower the insulin response after a meal. Make sure to have some saturated fat with every meal. Having saturated fat like coconut, avocado, butter, egg yolks, fish, and meat will bring quicker satiety and stabilize the blood sugar levels. Wild Animals living in nature, and hunter-gatherer human societies never became obese. The main culprit is processed carbohydrates and sugar in the civilized diet, which causes obesity.

2.     Can you lose belly fat by doing belly exercise?
For the last many decades, various forms of belly exercise and abdominal exercise machines have been marketed to lose fat. But unfortunately, exercising only a specific part of the body to lose fat from that part, also called spot reduction is not possible. When you are doing abdominal exercises like crunches, sit-ups, leg raise, planks- you are activating the core muscles. But the abdominal muscles and abdominal fat are not connected. Hormones mediate fat loss, and all parts of the body like arms, legs, face, back, thighs, buttocks will also trim down as the body lose belly fat. Core exercises are, however, functional, as they will tone and provide shape to your abdomen.

3.     Do afternoon naps cause weight gain?
Contrary to popular belief, afternoon naps do not make you lazy, nor does it make you obese. Naps and sleep, in general, help to lose weight. Sleep deprivation can cause obesity by making hormonal changes in the body- making you overeat, and lowering your metabolism. Naps can mitigate some of the harms of poor sleep at night. However, whenever you take a nap, make sure to get exercise in the evening following the rest. Otherwise, your metabolism will remain slow, and you may have a sleep trouble during the night.

4.     Do frequent snacks make you lose weight?
Many food companies tout the habit of eating throughout the day to keep your metabolism high and blood sugar stable. Nothing can be further from the truth. Frequent snacking between meals keeps your blood sugar high throughout the day. When blood glucose is high, blood insulin also remains high as glucose triggers insulin release from the pancreas. Elevated insulin levels cause fat deposition in the body, and over time leads to diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension.

5.     Is regular breakfast important for weight loss?
Breakfast can be good or bad for weight loss, depending on the other meals of the day. The body cannot have food throughout the day. There needs to be a minimum of 12-16 hours of fasting period when the body has no food. During this period of fasting, the insulin levels become low, and the body can burn the stored fat into ketones to produce energy. If you have early breakfast, then you also need to have an early dinner. Also, one has to listen to their body, some people do not feel hungry in the morning, and their digestive system is not read for food. They will do better skipping breakfast and having an early lunch.

6.     Is fasting good for weight loss?
Fasting is the best way to lose weight. Body stores fat to use it in the future during the time of famine and food shortage. When we fast voluntarily, we tap into the most ancient and most effective fat burning pathway. During fast, as blood sugar levels drop, and insulin level lowers. The low glucose triggers the release of fat-burning hormones like glucagon, thyroxine, adrenaline, cortisol, and growth hormone. There are many safe ways to fast, but the most doable one is to eat one time a day till you have reached your weight loss goals.

7.     Can I lose fat by doing exercise only?
Exercise increases the metabolism level and helps the body burn more calories. Exercise only can cause some weight loss in the beginning, but without dieting, it will not be sustained. But exercise also increases hunger, and unless you control your diet, exercise will also induce overeating to compensate for the calories burnt during exercise.

8.     Will lifting heavy weights cause weight loss?
Many women are afraid of weightlifting exercises as they are afraid of getting bulk by weights. Weightlifting exercises are an excellent way to lose weight if combined with dieting. Resistance training over time increases muscle mass in the body. When the body has more muscle, it burns more calories even during rest. Also, weightlifting releases growth hormone, which counters the effect of insulin and stimulates fat loss.

9.     Can mental stress cause weight gain?
Mental stress and other challenges like depression, worry, fear, trauma, anger, resentment, guilt- all can produce hormonal changes in the body. The body, when exposed to chronic stress, can have an elevated level of stress hormones. Cortisol, in the long run, will cause an increase in the carbohydrate cravings, insulin release, and weight gain. Have you wondered, whenever we feel stressed, the body craves comfort foods in the forms of sweets, cookies, candies, chocolate, and pies? It is vital to reduce stress through problem-solving, acceptance, mindfulness, yoga, and rest- which will lower the cortisol levels and maintain a stable weight.

10.  Is getting old a part of getting fat?
No. In a natural world, getting old does not make you fat. Wild animals, as they get old, do not become overweight. Also, in many hunter-gatherer tribes, humans get thin as they are old.  In our civilized world, people are more obese as they are required to move less, and do less physical work as they age. Besides, as we age, the metabolism slows down, so we need to stay more physically active and eat less to keep the same younger weight.

11.  Can sauna help with weight loss?
The weight in your body is due to the water, fat, muscles, bones, and organs. Sauna helps to lose the water weight but does not impact the fat stores in the body. A sauna will help to lose some weight, but trying to lose too much weight through prolonged sauna can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. A sauna can also help in detoxification as the body can excrete water through the skin through sweat. The Red and infra-red sauna, albeit expensive, can also help some weight loss by boosting cellular metabolism.

12.  Can meditation and mindfulness cause weight Loss?
Meditation is good for the brain and improves mood, focus, and energy, as well as alleviates worries, stress, and depression. But meditation, by itself, cannot cause weight loss. However, there is one exception. If the weight gain is due to stress, then mindfulness exercises can help weight loss by stress reduction. 

13.   Can yoga cause weight loss?
Yoga makes the body supple and toned. Yoga also helps with muscle and joint pain and the best natural remedy for back pain. But yoga alone done in a conventional way will not cause weight loss. Modern Yoga is a combination of eastern and western thoughts, where the yoga movements are combined with other exercises, which results in a higher intensity workout. One example is Power Yoga, where yoga asanas are done using small dumbbell weights. Another one is Cardio-Yoga- where the yoga movements are done at a fast pace like aerobics.  Another trendy one is Bikram Hot yoga, where yoga is done in the sweltering heat, and participants sweat profusely. These combined yoga movements burn more calories and assist in weight loss.

14.  What’s the best exercise for weight loss?
All exercises will help in weight loss as long as they involve most of the body like cycling, running, swimming, and dancing. Weight training involving large muscle groups like squats, deadlifts, bench press will help weight loss by increasing muscle mass. However, the best way to work out is to combine all different exercises, thus challenging the body differently. If you do the same workout regularly, then the body gets used to it, and after some time the results plateau. There is one exception. That will be swimming in cold water on an empty stomach- it will cause three times more fat burn as the body will have to burn fat for energy to swim, and also burn fat for warmth.

15.  Will a pure vegetarian or a vegan diet cause more weight loss?
It depends. Many Hollywood celebrities flaunt their weight loss to a vegan diet. But they have their chef who cooks custom meals low in sugar, salt, and high in fruits and vegetables. But many Indian vegetarians, I have seen, consume too much sugar, salt, and fill their plate with processed carbohydrates like rice, wheat, and overcooked potatoes. These cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and insulin spike, causing fat deposition. A well-balanced vegan or vegetarian diet high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, lentils, and low in carbs can maintain a healthy weight.

16.   What’s the best food for weight loss?
There is nothing called the best food or the best diet. All cultures have their food habits, and people everywhere have been able to stay fit, live longer, and produce healthy children. But things changed over the last hundred years as cheap processed industrial food replaced traditional home-cooked meals prepared from scratch. The best diet for overall health is local organic minimally processed freshly cooked with the right balance of healthy fat, protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.

17.  What is the best weight-loss diet?
Some diets have been researched and shown to assist in weight loss, and have become popular. Chief among them are the Mediterranean diet, Nordic diet, Ornish diet, South Beach diet, Ketogenic diet, and Atkins diet. All diets work in the beginning but fail as the majority quit. It is more important to understand the underlying principle behind these diets than following a single one blindly.  All healthy weight loss diets have one thing in common-they keep insulin levels low. Insulin is a hormone that causes fat deposition. Fat and fiber blunt the insulin response. Make sure to have salad and vegetables with each meal along with saturated fat. Carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation. It's essential to have one-third of your food as raw as cooking reduces the fiber and digestive enzymes, and leads to overeating.

18.  What is the best way to lose post-pregnancy weight?
 The body stores fat during pregnancy for a purpose. The excess fat is to feed the growing fetus in the womb through the placenta and feed the baby after delivery through breast milk. Many mothers do not realize that breastfeeding is the most effective way to lose pregnancy fat. Mother's milk is high in fat, and half of which is saturated fat.  Women who cannot breastfeed (for whatever reason) struggle to lose the stubborn pregnancy fat. However, weight loss is possible but will require more time and effort.

19.   Is childhood and adult obesity the same?
Childhood obesity is more dangerous than adult obesity. When adults gain weight, their fat cells grow in size, which is called hypertrophic obesity. However, when children become obese, not only their fat cells increase in size (hypertrophy), but fat cells also grow in a number called hypercellular obesity. People who gain weight as a child and suffer from childhood obesity are more at risk of struggling with weight throughout their life. It is easy to reduce the size of fat cells, but nearly impossible to reduce the number of fat cells. Caregivers should take extreme caution to guard their children against the perils of fast food and obesity.

20.  Is there a magic pill for weight loss?
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill nor any easy way to lose and maintain weight. There are weight loss medications in the market which work in the short term but have long term side effects and should only be taken under a physician's supervision. Other options are liposuction and tummy tucking, which are relatively safe. In most extreme cases, when obesity becomes life-threatening, bariatric surgery is an option where a portion of the stomach is removed. Irrespective of whether you lose weight through medications or surgery, the body will try to gain back the lost weight. Following a healthy lifestyle through dieting, exercise, stress reduction, and good sleep is the only way to maintain a healthy weight in the long run.